Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bird Season is Here!

There's not a whole lot of nature activities we can do here at Osan, but we can watch birds. Many of the birds here are ones that you're probably familiar with from the States. Here are some sites that can help identify Korean birds:

Birds Korea

Wikipedia's page on Korean Birds

Birds of Korea

Guide to Korean birdwatching

There are lots of fun easy projects you can do with your kids right on your deck:

1. Do a 'food preference' study- fill small, shallow bowls with different foods that birds might like, such as seeds, cheese, peanut butter, worms or bits of fruit. Place them on your deck (the railing planters would be perfect for this) and watch quietly from inside to see which birds eat what foods.

2. Here's one for the not-so-squeamish: collect different bird droppings and plant them in a pot of soil. Whatever sprouts is what the poop donor had been eating.

3. Put out a feeder and notice whether different types of birds eat at different times of the day. Do birds of a different feather eat together, or do they dine only with their own species?

4. Get out the art supplies and draw your visitors! Bird drawing tips can be found here.

Happy birdwatching!

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