Saturday, September 12, 2009

September Garden Update

The days are getting a little cooler, but the garden is still growing strong! There are still cherry tomatoes and tons of herbs: basil, cilantro, thyme, oregano, mint, lemon balm and parsley are all available for harvest in the community herb garden. The cinnamon basil (pictured, purple flowers) has flowered and the seeds will be ready to collect in a few weeks. The bigger watermelons have been harvested, but there are a few more still growing. They are about the size of baseballs now. The sunflowers are wilting but the seeds are just getting ripe! Soon they'll be ready for collecting for next year, or for making birdfeeders.

It's a great time to put in some cool weather veggies: lettuces, cabbages, and greens. One of our gardeners was at the 4-9 market the other day and reports that there are a variety of veggies to choose from. The water collection system is full, so it's a perfect time to plant!

There is still room in the composters, so bring your kitchen waste: coffee grounds, eggshells, potato peelings and etc. No meat, dairy or bones, please; these items are what makes compost stink and attract vermin.

And, we are looking for a garden director for next year's garden. If you're interested in gardening and kids nature activities, you would be perfect! Contact us at for more information.

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