Friday, January 15, 2010

Take a Winter Nature Walk!

Here is a nature 'treasure hunt' and some easy and fun activities that can be done right here on base with almost no preparation:

Things to find/see:

* A tree that has lost all its leaves (deciduous)
* Buds on trees
* Something with thorns
* Fungi or moss on a tree
* An evergreen tree
* Some dormant grass or other vegetation
* A nest in a tree
* A bird

Things to feel/collect:

* A tree with rough bark
* A smooth rock
* Something slimy
* A sharp needle on a tree
* Pinecones

Related Activities:

* Paint the smooth rock, pinecones or other collected items
* Draw pictures of deciduous and evergreen trees, bark, leaves or other observed items
* Get some birdseed or bread crumbs and feed the birds

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